Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cleanin Out the Closet

If you subscribe to our mailing list, you would know that there was a clean up at the Bike Center this weekend! We took all of the bikes out of the Bike Center to re-organize everything and then packed them nicely back in. Our tools are nicely laid out and organized, so finding the right one is easier than ever. We're trying to get more space for hanging bikes up, so that we can keep project bikes out of the way, and keep it looking tidy.

You might ask why now, of all times, is the Bike Center being cleaned? Well, it just so happens that we're shooting a commercial Monday. SO, if you want to be seen in it, come out to fix your bike Monday.

With our first snowflakes touching the beauty of Guelph, my last post has been justified. Winter IS coming after all!

In parting, I'll remind you that workshops are being held every Wednesday at 5:30PM. Topics are going to start off general, and then get more specific, so don't miss them!

Hope to see you around the Bike Center!

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