Sunday, September 25, 2011

Brakes on your feet? Yes please.

Holy Cro-Moly! It's fix-ing season apparently!
Of the 10-20 folks stopping by the centre as many as half of you are up in fixies or single speeds. I'm excited to see many of these have been home made instead of picked up in a shop. In my experience these types of rides demand a closer relationship between jockey and mount. Perhaps we can start a fixie specific timeslot at the shop or some type of group ride.
If any folks out there are interested in learning more about this unique bike type there are some good resources out there. It is a very different experience and can be dangerous if not entered into with respect; check out Sheldon at or talk up another rider if they have time to chat.
If interest continues to grow we might put together a conversion package for cogs, hubs, cranks, and chains for easy switch overs.

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